Combined with water vapor, sulfur dioxide forms sulfate aerosols, which can spread around the globe, blocking solar radiation and chilling the air before becoming acid rain and snow. 二氧化硫跟水蒸气结合形成硫酸盐气溶胶,这种气溶胶可以遍布全球,在变成酸雨和酸雪之前阻隔太阳辐射,降低气温。
Reaction of Trees Planting to Combined Pollution of Sulfur Dioxide and Lead 绿化树种对大气SO2、铅复合污染的反应
Based on making an approach for many years, the combined measures of zoning ventilation and acid-base neutralization were taken to synthetically control such harmful gas as sulfur dioxide gas etc in Tongshan mine, with a remarked result. 铜山矿在多年探索的基础上采取分区通风与酸碱中和相结合的办法对二氧化硫等有害气体进行综合治理,效果显著.制动盘通风散热性能研究;